Boar Broom
A true walk-behind broom that cleans hog barn floors at a quicker pace, reducing mold and microtoxins, saving feed, and reducing stress on labor.
Robust industrial construction
Compact design
Sturdy build
Operates for hours between charges.
Includes 12V battery charger.
Profit minded features
By using the boar broom, you save money, time, and free-up labor for other critical tasks.
Parts List
Boar Broom
Broom:Broom Brush Plate 66.00
Broom:Broom Brushes 338.00
Broom:Broom Motor 1099.00
Broom:Brush Clip 2.50
Broom:Brush Spring 3.50
Broom:Switch (lL-R) 56.00
Broom:Broom Brushes 338.00
Broom:Broom Motor 1099.00
Broom:Brush Clip 2.50
Broom:Brush Spring 3.50
Broom:Switch (lL-R) 56.00
See it in action!
-Jeremy Robertson,
Head of Production, Brenneman Pork, Inc.
The Boar Broom increases productivity and employee morale by helping provide a clean environment to work in. Sweeping and drying the environment also aids in biosecurity and employee safety.
Head of Production, Brenneman Pork, Inc.
The Boar Broom increases productivity and employee morale by helping provide a clean environment to work in. Sweeping and drying the environment also aids in biosecurity and employee safety.